Experiments with the Swift Language

Following the announcement that the Ladybird browser engine is going to adopt Swift as a successor language for the codebase, I decided that it would be worth getting to know the language a little better.1

So, I wrote a toy WebAssembly parser and validator. I chose to write a Wasm parser for a few reasons:

  1. I've written a few of them before
  2. It's possible that we could integrate my work with the actual browser
  3. It's somewhat low-level and performance matters

In this post, I'm going to go over the things I like and dislike about Swift, in comparison to C++ and Rust.2 At the end, I'll do an evaluation of the choice of Swift as a whole.

Things I liked

I'll start off with my favorite things about the language.

Good defaults

I'd say that Swift's biggest strength is that it has very good default semantics.

Compared to a language like Rust, where you have to be more conscious about the decisions you make, you can generally just “do what you feel like” in Swift, and it'll be performant and ergonomic.

For example, the Array type is always copy-on-write. Let's take this simple program:

func process(_ a: [UInt8]) {
  // do some work

let a: [UInt8] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

In this example, a is not copied, even when it's passed into process. It's also not borrowed, as we might do in Rust. a will never be copied until it is written to. This means that we get to treat a as if we own it. There's no need for lifetimes, but we can also skip the (potential) performance hit that comes with cloning.

Compared to C++, where everything is implicitly copied unless you pass by reference, this gives us the semantics we want without having to be explicit about it.

Compared to Rust, where pretty much nothing is copied ever unless it's explicit, we don't have to worry about lifetimes at all.

Error handling

In light of my thoughts on Swift's powerful default semantics, another thing I really liked was the error handling in Swift. It's way better than C++'s pretty much non-existent error handling, but that's a low bar to clear honestly.

enum MyError: Error {
  case ten
  case twenty

func fallible(_ a: Int) throws -> Int {
  guard a != 10 else {
    throw MyError.ten
  guard a != 20 else {
    throw MyError.twenty
  return a

When you call a fallible function in Swift (which is marked by the throws keyword), you have two options:

  1. Propagate the error with try
  2. Handle the error with do-catch
// 1. Propagate, if in another function that can throw
try fallible(10)

// 2. Handle the error
do {
  try fallible(10)
} catch {
  // `error` is implicitly put in scope
  print("failed: \(error)")

Error handling in Swift is nice because you don't have to think about it that much, but you're still forced to handle things.

In Rust, which has the Result type, you have to think about your errors a lot more when designing your API. You need to make important decisions like:

  • Do I want my error to be opaque?
  • How do I carry borrowed data in my Result?
  • How do I give it idiomatic semantics?

Often, in Rust, we use libraries like anyhow and thiserror to answer these questions. Since Swift has good defaults out of the box, these decisions are less pervasive in our minds.

Computed properties

This is something that I've changed my mind on over my time programming, and largely because of my experiences with Swift. I used to dislike the idea of computed properties.3 Take this example:

struct Example {
  let name: String
  let id: UInt

  var fullId: String {
    return "#\(id) \(name)"

let e = Example(name: "Diego Frias", id: 0)
// alternative w/o computed properties:
// print(e.fullId())

I don't know if it's just me. Something's kind of nice about them. I'll take a real snippet from the Wasm parser:

public enum ValueType {
  case i32
  case i64
  case f32
  case f64
  case funcref
  case externref
  case v128

  public var bitWidth: Int? {
    switch self {
    case .i32, .f32: return 32
    case .i64, .f64: return 64
    case .v128: return 128
    case .funcref, .externref: return nil

  public var isReference: Bool {
    return self == .funcref || self == .externref
  public var isNumeric: Bool {
    return !isReference && self != .v128

They just make sense sometimes. I don't have a lot else to say, I just like them.

Things I disliked

While there's a lot to like about Swift, there were definitely some pain points along the way.

Typed throws

I'll start with something pretty light: the lack of typed throws. When you declare a fallible function in Swift, you can't specify the specific error type that the function may throw.

Let me illustrate what I mean with an example:

enum MyError: Error {
  case invalidInput
  case outOfMemory

func doSomething() throws {
  // ...

Even if doSomething can only throw MyError, there's no way to put that info in the signature of the function. This was a little painful when designing APIs. Sometimes it's useful to explicitly state when a function can only throw a specific error.

There's good news, though! Swift is getting typed throws in version 6! Swift 6.0 isn't out at the time of me writing this, but I'm eagerly awaiting the feature.


I like writing code in Neovim.4 When I'm starting out with a new programming language, there are two things I like to check off:

  1. Tree-sitter support
  2. LSP support

Swift's tree-sitter grammar is great! However, it's lacking quite a bit in the LSP department.

There's a general sluggishness when using it, even on small codebases. Many of handlers for the protocol haven't been implemented, too (like show-references and rename). The client sometimes quits unexpectedly, and error diagnostics will linger indefinitely after something has been fixed.

I eventually ended up using the Xcode IDE Swift for development. Xcode is nice, but certainly not something I prefer over Neovim. The Swift team has been investing more and more into the open-source ecosystem, so hopefully these will be fixed with time.


Swift has something of an ownership model, a la Rust. But it's not nearly as comprehensive, for better and for worse.

Firstly, the concept of borrowing only exists for structs. This makes sense, since classes are reference counted, but just know that any borrowing/ownership problems are immediately absolved by the class keyword.

Second, borrowing is only available in function signature. There's no such thing as storing a borrowed value in a struct field (lifetimes would have to be introduced, which is understandably not in the cards).

The following is allowed:

func doSomething(with x: borrowing Int) {
  // ...

let x: Int = 10
doSomething(with: x)

But there's no concept of:

struct MyStruct {
  let x: borrowing Int

The borrowing/ownership system isn't incomplete, but it's certainly less powerful than Rust's. I'm not totally familiar with the system yet, so it'll take some getting used to.

I'm getting the impression that it should be used only for hot paths and hot copies.


I'll share a little bit about the Wasm parser/validator itself. It's not fully spec-compliant, but the core behavior is all correct, so these results wouldn't change much had I spent the time to make sure it was completely aligned with the spec.

Running it on spidermonkey, we can parse and validate the module in just 60ms, which is about 2x faster than the C++ version! That was without any low-level performance optimizations.

Swift's good defaults are both ergonomic and performant, which lends itself to a quick way to develop reliable software. You can read the source code on GitHub.

Wrap up

I really enjoyed this little experiment with Swift! I think Swift is honestly the best successor language choice for Ladybird. It hits the perfect blend between ease-of-writing and performance, which is exactly what Ladybird needs.

It didn't take very long to write the Wasm parser, and it's already faster than the C++ version. Of course, I had my fair share of struggles with the language (and tooling) but I experience was generally extremely pleasant.

  1. There were numerous reasons Swift was chosen. See Andreas Kling's tweet for more. My thoughts on it are at the end of this post! ↩︎

  2. I'm comparing with Rust because it's the language I'm most comfortable with, and I had some interesting observations about the two languages side-by-side. ↩︎

  3. I'd always make the argument of “they're obscuring behavior with syntax!” Something like that. ↩︎

  4. by the way. ↩︎