Godot - First Impressions

The Godot game engine has risen in popularity over the last few years. Beyond just being free and open-source, there's a lot to like about the game engine; being relatively new (and willing to make big breaking changes), Godot has the advantage of hindsight.1

Annually, my artist friends, programmer friends, and I make a video game over the course of half a year. This year, we decided to use Godot instead of Unity. So, after using Godot for a little over a month, I'm writing this post to document my highlights, complaints, and other thoughts related to the engine.


Economy of Features

By far, the best thing about Godot is its economy of features. By that, I mean that Godot gets a way with having a lot of power with a relatively small set of features. It's no secret the game engines have to do a bunch of stuff for us. They need to handle:

and much more. One of my main complaints about Unity was that, in order to dive deep into any of these, it felt like I needed to watch a 20-minute-long tutorial, even for things like basic animations.2

By contrast, I was able to grasp Godot's animation system almost instantly. It had everything important packed up into a small, intuitive UI, so I could easily add animations to my game. All I needed was this official, written tutorial!

Animation window

In general, Godot's limited number of features make it feel less bloated; the things that the engine does focus on is all high-quality and easy to use.

The Node Tree

While both Unity and Godot have the concept of a node tree, Godot's implementation of it is much more robust. In Godot, you can only put one script on each node. I like this restriction – it forces you to design better components for your game in the end.

Also, everything is a node! This makes it super easy to reason about everything. Even game scenes themselves are nodes! Implementing more advanced features for scene loading in Unity can be a pain, since scenes are their own concept. In Godot, scenes, game objects, and components all share one common denominator, so implementing things like preloading, scene transitions, and parameterization is way easier.

For example, here's some scene-loading code in my game:

func _goto_mission() -> void:
	var new_scene := _load_scene(_mission_scene)
    # This is a effectively scene parameterization
	if weather:

func _load_scene(scene: PackedScene) -> Node:
    # Free the old scene root
	var new_scene = scene.instantiate()
    # Add the new scene root
    # This isn't strictly necessary; some Godot APIs just expect this value to
    # be properly set
	get_tree().current_scene = new_scene
	return new_scene

_goto_mission essentially injects things into the new scene depending on existing state. In Unity, this is much harder to do, and far less clean.

Editor & Compiler

The Godot development experience is fast. Not only UI is intuitive and snappy, I spend almost no time waiting for my game build and boot up. Unity build times can be painfully slow at times.3 And the UI can become laggy/unresponsive after the app stays open for a while.

Godot rarely has these problems. And, if I ever do run into anything unusual, it takes almost no time to quit and re-open the app!


Resolving Git merge conflicts in Godot projects is not nearly as hard as it is in Unity. Both game engines store files in plain text, but Godot's format is way more human-readable. Here's an example of a Godot scene file:

[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://bm0hxwrfnl0cc"]

[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/ui/lightning_indicator.gd" id="1_qnc1m"]

[sub_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" id="StyleBoxFlat_eba51"]
bg_color = Color(0.215902, 0.215902, 0.215902, 1)

[sub_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" id="StyleBoxFlat_vrxf2"]
bg_color = Color(0.838505, 0.770122, 0.196965, 1)

[node name="LightningIndicator" type="ProgressBar"]
offset_right = 448.0
offset_bottom = 42.0
theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 30
theme_override_styles/background = SubResource("StyleBoxFlat_eba51")
theme_override_styles/fill = SubResource("StyleBoxFlat_vrxf2")
show_percentage = false
script = ExtResource("1_qnc1m")

It's generated by the editor, but it would still be really easy to edit it by hand! This is what a Unity scene file looks like, truncated:

--- !u!1001 &33159170
  m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
  serializedVersion: 2
    serializedVersion: 3
    m_TransformParent: {fileID: 470797894}
    - target: {fileID: 8634005852577026450, guid: 29df517047e7e45deb3a257b3fb4bc39,
        type: 3}
      propertyPath: m_LocalScale.x
      value: 0.8999999
      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
    - target: {fileID: 8634005852577026450, guid: 29df517047e7e45deb3a257b3fb4bc39,
        type: 3}
      propertyPath: m_LocalScale.z
      value: 0.8999999
      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
    - target: {fileID: 8634005852577026450, guid: 29df517047e7e45deb3a257b3fb4bc39,
        type: 3}
      propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x
      value: -2.1240005
      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
    - target: {fileID: 8634005852577026450, guid: 29df517047e7e45deb3a257b3fb4bc39,
        type: 3}
      propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.y
      value: 175.83
      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
    - target: {fileID: 8634005852577026450, guid: 29df517047e7e45deb3a257b3fb4bc39,
        type: 3}
      propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.z
      value: 0
      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
    - target: {fileID: 8978478084425452328, guid: 29df517047e7e45deb3a257b3fb4bc39,
        type: 3}
      propertyPath: m_Name
      value: chair2 (2)
      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
    m_RemovedComponents: []
    m_RemovedGameObjects: []
    m_AddedGameObjects: []
    m_AddedComponents: []

Before, my team and I would do anything to avoid a Unity merge conflict, because resolving massive diffs that include snippets like the one I showed above is nearly impossible.

Pain Points

These are some of the pain points I've had with Godot thus far. I'm sure I'll have more when I get to know the engine more, but as of this post, my list of complaints is quite small!

Dynamically Typed

I wish GDScript was statically typed. It supports type hinting, and using them seems to be the norm (as opposed to a language like Python), but I still wish it was fully statically typed.

This is definitely a personal preference, but I just like the safety of knowing the types of absolutely everything.


Godot isn't afraid to break APIs. This is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it enables some of the other things I talked about earlier, but on the other, it means that a lot of things I read on forums or other blogs are out of date, and include APIs that don't work anymore or a slightly different.

This was pretty annoying when I first started learning, but ultimately I realized that the best way to learn Godot is through their official website. They maintain it very well!


Godot has answered pretty much all of my major annoyances with Unity. My overall experience with it has been very pleasant, and my team and I have been able to get a lot done despite being new to the engine. I'm sure that I'll find more things that I wish were improved upon as I use it more, but I would still absolutely recommend trying it out to anyone interested.

As always, I hope you enjoyed this post! If you found any issues or feedback, please feel free to send an email or submit an issue on this website's GitHub repository.

  1. That is, the mistakes/annoying parts of other high-level game engines like Unity and Unreal are well-known, so Godot has the opportunity to sidestep such issues without breaking old stuff. ↩︎

  2. Part of the problem with Unity in this respect is that it's so old. A lot of useful APIs (like events/signals) have subpar interfaces. They feel tacky. ↩︎

  3. Yes, I know that build times are a marginal (pretty much non-existent) concern when talking about the quality of video game. But long build times are real, and they do hurt iteration capabilities. I remember watching the creators of Golang give a talk about why they made the language, and they cited C++ build times as one of the major reasons! ↩︎