Downcasting invalidates abstraction

Downcasting is a common pattern in programming. In general terms, it allows the programmer to take a supertype and "downcast" it into a subtype, so long as the actual the object being cast is actually that subtype. You might be familiar with downcasting from pretty much any statically typed language, like Java, Go, C#, C++, and (very rarely) Rust.

In this post, I'm going to talk about a few reasons why I believe that downcasting is a particularly nasty thing to rely on in a statically typed language. I will not being talking about languages like Python or Ruby, because technically, you're downcasting any time you do literally anything, and you have no choice. However, in a statically typed language, downcasting invalidates abstractions, and undermines type safety as a whole.

Conflicting with abstractions

In the context of a function, the point of receiving or returning a supertype should be to rely on the type's abstractness. In some senses, that's one of the core ideas of inheritance. The "is a" relationship should allow us to treat a subtype exactly the same as its supertype. This allows our types to be extendable (in theory). I'll give a quick example in C#:

public void DoSomething(Animal animal)
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)

Yes, I know. You're probably tired of seeing animal-related abstractions. Me too. But, at this point, they've become the foo and bar of type hierarchies, so I'm using them for their ubiquity. Anyway, DoSomething will work the same for any animal subtype! Abstraction achieved!

Now, let's suppose we have a new function:

public void SomethingElse(Animal animal)
    if (animal is Dog dog)
    else if (animal is Bird bird)

In this function, we're considering a finite number of subtypes. And no, even though there's an else case, I'd still argue that the scope of our function is still limited. Because we've inherently (no pun intended) tied it to Dog and Bird, we've invalidated the thing that Animal should provide us: abstraction. We're reaching for functionality that isn't in the information of the function itself (the parameter). As such, we've chosen and used the wrong abstraction.

For whatever Animal we pass into a function, we should have confidence that the function's mechanisms will work the same. Failing to uphold that promise creates dodgy API's and hard-to-track-down bugs. So, just as the internal state of types shouldn't be exposed, the subtypes of a type should be irrelevant information with regard to the type itself.

Undermining type safety

One of the main selling points of languages like Java, C#, and C++ is type safety. That is, you will know every value's type before runtime, and thus will be able to more effectively reason about, debug, and write programs. While this promise is mostly upheld in the aforementioned languages, I have trouble calling them truly type safe, especially when downcasting exists.

I once worked in the C++ codebase of a pretty awesome project, WABT, and I tried to fix a bug in one of their tools. Their codebase goes pretty crazy with the abstractions C++ gives you, which I attempted to use to stay consistent with the rest of the code, even though I'm not very familiar with the language. So, I made my changes, hopeful that I could knock out the fix in under an hour. But when I ran the tests, I was shocked by the result! I got a type error at runtime! The error message I got was in some (very primitive) pointer type defined in the codebase that was performing a cast, which failed, so C++ panicked.

I struggled for hours trying to fix the bug. I was using and instantiating a type wrong. Yes, I understand that an experienced C++ developer who's familiar with the codebase would probably understand what happened in a few minutes, but I believe that it took me an unreasonable amount of time to fix for the scope of the problem. I'm not calling out the WABT codebase, it's very well written, but I just had an unfortunate experience. In my case, downcasting invalidated type safety that should've been statically guaranteed.

So, along with invalidating abstractions, downcasting undermines type safety. It can cause type-related runtime panics if you're not careful! Runtime type errors are for dynamically typed languages, not statically typed ones.

So how do we fix it?

Unfortunately, the answer is not as simple as: "don't downcast!" because downcasting is a fundamental concept for a lot of languages.

A real example

All I've been giving is cat and dog examples in this post, so I think you deserve a real-world example now. Say you're representing a server's message. It can be one of the following:

  • A "delete" message containing a 32-bit integer
  • An "add" message containing a string
  • A "compare" message containing two 32-bit integers

Now, in a language without tagged unions (like C#), you pretty much have to represent this using an inheritance/interface model combined with downcasts:

public abstract class Message {}

public class DeleteMessage : Message
    public int id;

    // ...

public class AddMessage : Message
    public string contents;

    // ...

public class CompareMessage : Message
    public int id1;
    public int id2;

    // ...

If you want to process all add messages, you'd need to receive each message, check if it's an AddMessage, and then getting the corresponding state if it is (i.e. you'll need a downcast!).

So, in these types of languages, you often don't have a choice. This usage of downcasting, though, is less egregious than others. There are absolutely better/worse cases for downcasting, and I think it just takes time to get an intuition for when it's necessary and when it's extraneous. It's all about what is using your abstraction.

Other Languages

There are a lot of languages that don't have this problem. Take Rust, for example. Something like downcasting exists, but is basically never used. One of the big reasons is that Rust has tagged unions. This is how you'd represent the Message type in Rust:

pub enum Message {
    Compare(u32, u32)

Here, there is no abstraction at all! You simply have all the information up front. I recommend learning about Rust enums if you haven't already!

Wrap up

Depending on the language, downcasting is a necessary evil. While it's certainly not going to ruin your codebase in every case, you must be careful when you use it. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Am I invalidating an abstraction's contracts?
  2. Am I reaching for information that an abstraction does not contain?

Also, as with all things in software engineering, no code is written perfectly first try. Just write code and see how it works. If it sucks, then fix it! Don't spend too long trying to design a complex system for a problem that you don't fully understand.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post. If you found an error or have a suggestion, please feel free to open an issue on this website's GitHub repo.